
In the 斯卡吉特谷食品皇冠博彩’s 流浪的厨房 Travel 博客 Series, we’re taking you on a virtual trip to some of the best places on Earth for world-class cuisine. Whether it comes from your backyard or a different continent, good food has the power to transport you anywhere you want to go. 所以,虽然你可能不会去印度的中心旅行, 加勒比海, 或者乘飞机离开意大利, 火车, 或汽车, you can take your taste buds on a trip simply by turning your dining table into a delicious destination for some of the world’s best food.

We’ll be featuring locations near and far known for their food, 在你自己的厨房里尝试的励志食谱, as well as products you can find in the Co-op to give you a taste of the cuisine.

在本期的《皇冠博彩》中, 我们要横渡大洋去伦敦, 英格兰, where we'll be sampling their diverse world-famous cuisine. Offering everything from chicken tikka masala to 香肠 and potatoes, there's something for everyone on this list of London fare!



在伦敦, you'll find over 70 Michelin star restaurants as well as some of the most well-known celebrity chefs including the infamously passionate Gordon Ramsay.

While London may have not been a global gourmet destination back in the 80s, nowadays it's a must-stop place on many a foodie's bucket list.

London cuisine also takes inspiration from countries all over the globe, making it a well-rounded destination for a variety of cuisine tastes and preferences.


播放你最喜欢的披头士乐队60年代的唱片, 给自己倒杯热茶, and check out some of our favorite recipes to enjoy a taste of London town.




在美国, 一顿丰盛的早餐可能看起来像鸡蛋, 煎饼, hashbrowns, 培根, 当然还有咖啡. But in 英格兰, you'll find some unsuspecting items on a full English breakfast plate, such as beans. 是的,早餐吃豆子!

This breakfast is far from light and may be best compared to a big brunch spread that we often like to enjoy on the weekends here in the states. 要真正成为一个“地道的英国人”(就像人们常说的那样), 你需要培根, 煎蛋, 香肠, 蘑菇, 黑豆, 烤面包, 烤西红柿, 和烤面包.

Optional additions include black pudding, baked beans, and bubble and squeak. 别忘了喝点茶!



照片由RecipeTin Eats提供


Fish and chips might be the most iconic food you can eat in London, and this beer-battered option is the perfect light and crunchy recipe.

用白鱼和面粉混合, 米粉, 泡打粉, 盐, 还有啤酒来做面糊, these fish and chips are fried in peanut oil and served with a side of tartar sauce and lemon wedges.

Serve your fish and chips ASAP, as they are only crispy for 15-20 minutes. 我们敢打赌,到那时他们早就走了!

在RecipeTin Eats网站上找到完整的食谱


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鸡肉Tikka Masala

Creamy, tangy, herby, and perfectly spicy, it doesn't get much better than chicken tikka masala. 虽然这道菜的起源是有争议的, it's safe to say that chicken tikka masala is absolutely a London staple.

事实上, many consider chicken tikka masala to be a true national British dish, not only because it’s popular but because it’s a symbol of how Britain "absorbs and 适应外部影响".

Taking influence from the popular Indian dish 黄油 chicken, chicken tikka masala is simply chunks of chicken breast marinated in yogurt and spices, 在烤箱里烤, and served over a bed of rice with a healthy serving of creamy curry sauce.

在RecipeTin Eats网站上找到完整的食谱


图片由Curious cuisini提供


简单地说, bubble and squeak are hash-style British potato cakes that are made up of leftover veggies and potatoes.

洋葱, 培根, 卷心菜, 土豆泥, and leftover veggies are all combined before being fried up hashbrown style in a skillet. Serve it with a fried egg on top, or skip it if that's not your style.

无论哪种方式, this is a quick and easy breakfast hash idea that's perfect for utilizing leftover veggies taking up space in the fridge.

在Curious cuisini网站上找到完整的食谱




Whip up a 威灵顿牛肉 that would impress Gordon Ramsay himself with this recipe from NY Times Cooking.

Though it may have a closer connection to American than the UK, 惠灵顿牛肉最初是作为一种 为第一任惠灵顿公爵举行的庆典, Arthur Wellesley, after he was victorious at the Battle of Waterloo.

简单地说, 惠灵顿牛肉是一道优雅的菜肴, decadent dish consisting of beef tenderloin wrapped in layers of pâté, 蘑菇混合物, 帕尔玛火腿, 还有酥皮糕点. It's baked in the oven to crispy perfection and often served with a mushroom gravy or red wine sauce.



照片由RecipeTin Eats提供


Hearty, warm, and cozy, bangers and mash is simply 香肠 with 洋葱 gravy and 土豆泥. It’s one of those sticks-to-your-bones kind of recipes that are hard to say no to, 尤其是在寒冷的天气里.

而“土豆泥”这个词是有意义的, 你可能很好奇“bangers”这个词是从哪里来的. 根据 大英百科全书, the term bangers originated during World War I, when there were meat shortages. 削减成本, 香肠通常是用许多填充物做成的, 即水, 这可能会导致肉在烹饪时爆炸. 因此,bangers这个词出现了!

Calling for just a handful of pantry staples as ingredients, this recipe is easy to toss together and is perfect on a rainy PNW day.

在RecipeTin Eats网站上找到完整的食谱




When you're craving comfort food, shepherd's pie is the way to go. Originating in the sheep country of both the UK and Ireland, 牧羊人派传统上是用羊肉做的, though many modern recipes nowadays utilize beef since it's a much more readily available product.

这是《皇冠博彩》里的食谱, 碎牛肉被煎成褐色,与培根混合在一起, 洋葱, 胡萝卜, 番茄酱, 百里香, 和豌豆.

Mashed potatoes are then layered on top and baked to slightly crispy perfection.

在Once Upon a Chef找到完整的食谱




在美国, the "term" pudding brings to mind that light and flubbery dessert that's usually vanilla, 巧克力, 或者奶油糖口味的. But in Great Britain, the term "pudding" simply means dessert.

即使布丁不是你的拿手好戏, you should still give sticky toffee pudding a shot -- it's quite delicious and doesn't resemble US-style pudding at all.

Sticky toffee pudding is essentially a fig and molasses cake drizzled with a thick sauce made up of sugar, 黄油, 盐, 多脂奶油.



  • 英式早餐茶-从各种供应商

  • 皇冠博彩自己的香肠-香肠和土豆泥

  • English-style Porters and Stouts — in our 啤酒 Department